PredPeat at the Hydrology Days 2024

The annual conference coordinated by the Swedish Hydrological Council (SHR) was organized by KTH in Stockholm on the 5th December. Claudia Teutschbein, Thomas Grabs and Sara Camiolo from PredPeat presented their work at the Hydrologidagarna (Hydrology Days) with the talk “Drought propagation in high-latitude catchments: Insights from a 60- Year Analysis Using Standardized Indices” and the poster “Peatland rewetting and its mitigating effects on high- and low flows: a preliminary assessment from an ongoing review“.

2nd PredPeat annual meeting

On 21st-22nd November the 2nd annual meeting of the PredPeat Project was held in a hybrid form. As the first snow of the season hit Uppsala on the night between Wednesday and Thursday, the first day saw the team going back to online meetings with the colleagues based in Finland and the Netherlands. The morning was filled with presentations on summer fieldwork, installations, campaigns and preliminary results from the various working groups, while hydrology was the main topic for the afternoon. On the Friday, the discussion focused on ecology and remote sensing, more brainstorming on strategic links between the working...

PredPeat at SciFest 2024

The 12th edition of the science festival took places in Fyrishov between 10-12th October. The days were filled with workshops, lectures, competitions, and experiments organized by a wide range of faculties from Uppsala University and SLU. Sara Camiolo from the PredPeat project joined the colleagues from Climes and CNDS to explore the themes of meteorology and hydrology with schools and the general public. On Friday, Sara led the workshop “Build your own peat-filter and have fun cleaning rainwater” for students from 6 to 10 years old. On Saturday, many families stopped by to learn more peat, wetland restoration and the...

PredPeat goes to EGU24

Great interest for the PredPeat project at the EGU24 conference in Vienna (14-19 April) where nearly 21 000 geoscientists from 130 countries discussed their work and ideas in Earth, planetary and space science research. During the session “Large scale hydrology: characterising and understanding hydrological diversity and catchment organisation” Claudia Teutschbein presented her PICO with the title “Introducing CAMELS-SE: Connecting 60 Years of Hydroclimatic Observations with Catchment Attributes for 50 Sites in Sweden”. More at During the session “Peatland hydrology: From tropical to subarctic latitudes” Sara Camiolo presented her poster with the title “Can peatland restoration enhance drought and flood resilience...